Tag Archives: Skidmore Business Solutions

Managing Hidden Hiring Costs: A Practical Guide

Efficient hiring, on-boarding, training, and retaining processes are crucial for minimizing associated costs, which accumulate quickly with frequent hiring. Key points include managing hidden hiring costs, creating comprehensive on-boarding checklists, investing in impactful training programs, and offering competitive benefits. Careful monitoring and strategic decisions in these areas enhance a company’s bottom line. Continue reading

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Five Things Every Recruiter Needs to Know About First Impressions

 Gregory Lewis – December 2018 We all know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. And we all do it anyway. For you, the impulse to make snap judgments may kick in the moment you lay your eyes on … Continue reading

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Women 50+: Declare Your Independence and Start a Business

8 tips on how to become a successful entrepreneur in midlife One of the best decisions I ever made was to declare my freedom from my full-time job as a columnist for a national newspaper and start my own business … Continue reading

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What’s Keeping You From Starting a Business in Retirement?

By Jessica Thiefels  December 29, 2016 Credit: Getty Images Part of the America’s Entrepreneurs Special Report Retirement is a great time to start a business, when you no longer have the financial, family and time obligations you once did. But … Continue reading

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Labor 2030: The Collision of Demographics, Automation and Inequality

February 07, 2018 Bain report By Karen Harris, Austin Kimson, Andrew Schwedel  Executive summary Demographics, automation and inequality have the potential to dramatically reshape our world in the 2020s and beyond. Our analysis shows that the collision of these forces … Continue reading

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SWOT: Revisiting an old friend

It’s and old familiar friend and most will concede the SWOT analysis is invaluable when making a big decision to purchase a new business or restart an existing one.  However, its great for making other strategic and tactical evaluations as well.  It’s … Continue reading

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Five Finer Points of Succession Planning

From starting line-up to bench strength  Succession planning is the backbone of strategic human resources management. Its primary purpose is to provide information for the identification of candidates for replacement of managerial and other “key and critical” positions within the organization. … Continue reading

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Business plan, Org chart, Enthusiasm………..check, check, check! Now set the foundation with Core Values

Most organizations begin with a business plan and an organization chart and a lot of enthusiasm, but eventually they recognize the need for a number of additional policies and devices that define who they are and drive their progress.  One of … Continue reading

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Creating a Strategic Team Vision

                    Three stone masons of the middle ages were hard at work when a visitor came along and asked them what they were doing. The first stone mason was toiling away, sweat beading his brow. “I am cutting this … Continue reading

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